Thursday 10 December 2009

Filming Experience

After we had taken out our camera, after school on Friday 4th December, we went straight to the Croydon lookout point that took us longer than we expected to find. We were in quite a rush because we wanted to get there before it got dark. Luckily we found it just in time and set up the tripod and camera for an extreme long shot of Jake, the actor, sitting on the edge of a wall looking over London. We really liked how the shot turned out because you could see very far across the wall and it was the perfect atmosphere for the beginning of our film.
We used the focus and zoom buttons on the camera to get three different shots of Jake sitting on the wall, one close up, one long shot and one extreme long shot. Another thing that added to the realness of the shot was the fact that birds were flying pass which added a nice effect.
Our next shot was a pan of the landscape view across London and then coming back to Jake sitting on the wall. This had to be shot a couple of times because we couldn't decide the speed of the pan, the first one we did was too fast, then too slow but we finally got the perfect shot in the end. Then we did a close up of Jakes face but we didn't want the camera to see his whole face to make it more mysterious and make the audience want to know who the boy is.
The next shot was Jake pulling a box of matches out of his pocket. We used an extreme close up by using the zoom button on the camera that only needed one quick shot.

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